Your BMW’s windshield wipers primary assignment is clearing the windshield of any element or debris that may be obstructing your view. In addition, once you notice that your BMW wiper blades are failing, you must replace them immediately.
If you don’t know how to spot a failing pair of wiper blades, this post will show you how.
1.Do your wiper blades leave streaks after wiping the windshield?
2.Does the wiper skip across the windshield?
3.Do you hear squeaking or chattering sounds as the wipers move across the windshield?
4.Can you see cracks or broken pieces in your wiper blades?
You should always check for these signs regularly to see if your BMW’s wiper blades need an upgrade. If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, it’s time to replace them. You can purchase wiper blades at any BMW dealership. They are also available online on platforms like Amazon, eBay, and the likes. You will also find some of the best wiper blades for your BMW Sedan or SUV at SilBlade®.